In Theology


1 “Then his kingdom will appear throughout his whole creation. Then the devil will have an end. Yea, sorrow will be led away with him. 3 For the Heavenly One will arise from his kingly throne. Yea, he will go forth from his holy habitation with indignation and wrath on behalf of his sons. 7 […]

How 1 Thessalonians 4 Pictures Christ’s Return as a Royal Parade

(This blog post is inspired by episode #2 of the Adventures in Theology podcast). Listen to this episode of the podcast on Apple podcasts, Anchor, Spotify, or wherever else you enjoy streaming podcasts! *** If you don’t know too much about Joshua, you need to know this, a large part of the narrative is a conquest. And Joshua begins […]

6 Clarifications About God and Violence in the Old Testament

If you have ever found yourself looking at the condition of the world and wondering: “God, where are you in all of this?” If so, Habakkuk is the forefather of that feeling!  Habakkuk’s short three-chapter “book” is a prophetic poem with a real problem. Israel, the people who were supposed to be “the people of […]

Learning to Trust the Story When You Don’t Like the Chapter You Are In

“Oh, I can just not seem to read the Bible every day. It’s just so boring.” I have heard this phrase too many times and it still baffles me! Whenever I hear this I think of all the possible reasons why this person perceives the Bible as boring. Perhaps they don’t enjoy reading? Maybe they […]

Two Ways to Approach the Bible in a Fresh Way

Easily one of my favorite kinds of art is known as a mosaic. If you don’t know what a mosaic is, you should google it! But to try to describe it, it is a picture or pattern produced by arranging together small colored pieces of hard material, such as stone, tile, or glass. It is […]

How the Bible is Like a Mosaic